
Zenyum: First impressions matter, and so does your smile! 84% Hong Kong singles find a nice smile more attractive than a six-pack

  • Written by Daily Sun

A joint survey conducted by Zenyum and Coffee Meets Bagel (CMB) have found that 84% of singles in Hong Kong are attracted to a nice smile on a first date rather than other physical attributes like a six-pack. Titled "Smile At First Sight", the survey sought to discover what singles really want in a partner and what the general sentiment is around dating in Hong Kong.


"This survey proves that despite the COVID lock-down and emigration wave in Hong Kong, people in the city are still very optimistic about going on quality dates," said Steven Wu, Managing Director of Zenyum Hong Kong. "Be open, be honest, and be yourself. Go out there and meet people you feel you can build a meaningful connection and share many smiles with. People are most attractive when they smile!"

"A smile is the key to unlocking the magic on your first date," says Dawoon Kang, Co-founder and Chief Dating Officer from Coffee Meets Bagel. "Attractiveness is more than physical traits, a kind smile is what people long for after this prolonged period of masked faces."

Smiles or six-packs?

When asked about the post-COVID dating outlook in Hong Kong, 1,782 CMB app users say that they are active on the dating scene. 75% of respondents have spent more time on dating apps post-COVID, despite the difficulties brought about by closures of public spaces and limited availability of dating locations. Over 80% of them still desire to meet new people. In the past two years, 66% of app users have experienced a date getting cancelled or failed to attend a date due to the closure of public spaces. 60% felt it was harder to find a compatible partner in Hong Kong due to COVID restrictions, travel bans and the wave of emigration. Yet 81% of respondents expressed strongly that they would not skip a date or stop meeting new people due to the fear of COVID.

Some common misconceptions are that you need to be well-off or look like a movie star to get matched with someone on a dating app. Yet regardless of gender, the most important traits we look for in a partner are their personality, confidence and a kind smile. The top three qualities in the survey results include honesty (76%), a nice smile (60%), and intelligence (52%). Other interesting findings were that 10% of respondents believed star sign compatibility was important and 3.5% wanted their date to be a K-drama fanatic!

First impressions do count, but not in the way you think they do. Physical attributes like height (57%), straight teeth (49%), and cute dimples (23%) are still appreciated by many, but the highest ranking physical attribute that almost all users like is a nice and kind smile (84%).

In fact, over half of Hong Kong singles believe that their smiles (58%) and personal style (63%) are key to attracting the right date! Rather than just chasing after a six-pack which only 14% of respondents voted as an attractive or very attractive physical trait, it is still important to maintain those pearly whites to dazzle your date.

Another aspect that users highlighted is the importance of personal hygiene on a first date. The survey highlights the biggest turn-offs for our respondents, such as bad breath (65%), body odour (63%), and dirty fingernails (62%).

Profile Photo: Gym selfie or Cat pics?

How do you prepare yourself for a first date? First of all, it is important to look presentable and have good hygiene. The survey has shown that a smile is a curve that sets everything straight, so work on keeping your teeth clean and flash a big smile to make an excellent first impression.

Uploading a profile picture which shows you smiling widely will also make a strong statement about your personality. Ditch the gym selfie and party photos for a nice candid shot. Only 7% stated they would swipe right to a gym selfie and 96% voted against party shots. It is important to flaunt that smile on your profile, and even better if you have a furry friend in the frame!

Showing your teeth when you smile also exudes confidence; make sure you are not posing too much and keep it natural. If you are out of ideas, why not upload a photo of yourself enjoying some good food? Not only will this highlight your great taste, it can also serve as a good conversation topic when you meet your date.

First Date: Icebreakers and Deal breakers

When you are on a date, it is best to avoid conversations about your ex, your family or your pet peeves. Too much information shared on a first date can be a turn-off for many! 77% strongly believe that it is not good to speak about past relationships and 43% prefer not to talk about their family on a first date. Instead, respondents feel it is better to talk about your lifestyle (67%), favourite food & drinks (65%) or travel destinations (55%). One fun fact is that 34% of respondents do not think that talking about Netflix shows is a good icebreaker. So try building the conversation around other hobbies or shared values instead!

Live, Laugh, Smile!

"I've always been misunderstood because I had an unapproachable expression when I first started my career since my buck teeth made me very insecure about smiling. Now I've learnt to embrace my unique smile and take good care of it" said Val Cho, a member of the girl group "Strayz". "I know a lot of friends who've had great experiences on dating apps, and many have even met lifelong partners online."

"Being unclean and unkempt is the worst turn-off. Always maintain a good smile and appearance to charm your date," said ViuTV artist Kilby Chan.

"Looking tidy with a nice scent would set the stage for a perfect date," said Westtung Leung, the champion of Miss Mask Pageant 2. "A nice and attractive smile would be a big bonus too!"

Some singles also shared their best dating tips including uploading pictures of yourself without a mask, being honest and cutting out pretentiousness, and meeting up in person to avoid an endless chain of text messages. Users were asked to share one piece of advice for singles looking for a long-term partner in Hong Kong. The top five were being honest, punctual, having confidence, being who you are and smiling.

Four Key Survey Insights

Here are some quick dating app tips that our survey respondents have shared to help you in your search for a long-term partner.

1. Use a profile photo with a toothy smile

Invest some time in finding a photo of yourself smiling confidently to show your personality. You can even spice it up by taking a photo with some of your furry friends.

2. Groom yourself before meeting your date

While everyone may have different tastes for the perfect outfit, having a nice and kind smile always works. In addition, never underestimate the power of looking clean and tidy. Nothing is more off-putting than having bad breath, stained teeth, body odour, and dirty fingernails with that fancy outfit.

3. Prepare conversation topics for the first date

If you do not have the gift of the gap, start with common topics like your favourite food and drinks, or top travel destinations. Contrary to popular belief, talking about recent Netflix shows can be tricky, unless you are sure your date has watched the same show and that they are not bothered if you reveal a couple of spoilers. After getting warmed up, sharing your dreams and aspirations is a good option too. However, avoid going too deep into personal matters on the first date.

4. Make yourself more kissable

White, straight and clean teeth would definitely make you extra kissable. Keep your appearance neat and tidy too so you look more attractive to your date.

Download: Zenyum x Coffee Meets Bagel "Smile At First Sight" Infographic

Exclusive offer with Coffee Meets Bagel and Zenyum this Christmas

Christmas is right around the corner, and if you're planning to go on a first date, don't miss out on the CMB x Zenyum limited-time special promotion for December 2022. Please refer to the CMB app and Zenyum Hong Kong website for details.

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Promotion Campaign Page

What is Coffee Meets Bagel Premium:

Coffee Meets Bagel is a free dating app, but you can always upgrade to Premium for special features. Plus, Premium members get up to 2x as many quality matches and dates. Premium features are subject to change, but here are the current perks you can enjoy:

  • See all your likes: Why wait? Unblur all your likes and match instantly.
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  • Premium Preferences: Set relationship goals, smoking habits, education, and more in Suggested.
  • 3 Boosts a month: All eyes on you! Boost your profile for up to 5x more views.
  • And more!

What is Zenyum's three minute online Free Smile Assessment:

Simply answer four quick questions about your oral health and take a quick snap of your teeth. Treating dentists will assess your smile and suitability for invisible braces. It only takes less than three minutes and is 100% free!

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Zenyum and Coffee Meets Bagel "Smile At First Sight" Survey Summary

How did Hong Kong singles date in the past 2 years?
"I broke up at least once in the past 2 years."
48% of respondents said Yes

● 18% because of lockdown or COVID-related matters

● 22% because their partners moved or plan to move out of Hong Kong
"I spent more time on dating apps since the COVID lockdown."
75% of respondents said Strongly Agree or Agree
"I experienced cancelling or failing to attend dates due to public spaces closure."
66% of respondents said Strongly Agree or Agree
"COVID restrictions, travel bans and the wave of emigration makes it harder/easier to find a compatible partner in Hong Kong"
60% of respondents found it harder; 4% found it easier
"I would skip or have skipped a date because I was terrified about getting COVID."
81% of respondents said Strongly Disagree or Disagree
Desires for first dates in the post-COVID era.
#1 Sharing a meal together (60% voted)

#2 Getting to know each other over casual drinks (51% voted)

#3 Cafe hopping (49% voted)

#4 Watching a movie (40% voted)

#5 A leisurely stroll with your date (29% voted)

Qualities and physical attributes that Hong Kong singles like and dislike.
Qualities I seek in a partner
#1 Honesty (76% voted)

#2 A nice smile (60% voted)

#3 Intelligence and wit (52% voted)

Surprising data:

- Being an animal lover (20% voted)

- Star sign compatibility (10% voted)

- Being a K-drama fanatic (3.5% voted)
Physical attributes I am attracted to
#1 Nice smile (84% voted)

#2 Ideal height (57% voted)

#3 Straight & white teeth (49% voted)

Surprising data:

- Cute dimples (23% voted)

- Six-pack (14% voted)

- Tattoos (2% voted)
Physical attributes that turn me off
#1 Bad breath (65% voted)

#2 Bad odour (63% voted)

#3 Dirty fingernails (62% voted)

Other turnoffs:

- Nose hair (38% voted)

- Crooked teeth (31% voted)

- Armpit hair (28% voted)

The dating habits and preferences of Hong Kong singles.
The physical attributes that I am most confident about
#1 My personal style (63% voted)

#2 My smile (58% voted)

#3 My height (34% voted)

Some are confident with their:

- Straight teeth (6% voted)

- Eyebrows (5% voted)

- Luscious locks (2% voted)
The type of profile photos I find irresistible on dating apps
#1 Confident smile (82% voted)

#2 Photos with cats and dogs (35% voted)

#3 Photos with food (23% voted)

Surprising data:

- Gym room selfie (only 7% voted)

- Photos with kids (only 6% voted)

- Party photos (only 4% voted)
The favourite topics on a first date
#1 Your lifestyle (67% voted)

#2 Your favourite food and drinks (65% voted)

#3 Your top 5 travel destinations (55% voted)

#4 Your dreams & aspirations (52% voted)

#5 Your job (37% voted)

Taboos and fun facts:

- Your ex (77% voted no)

- Your family (43% prefer not to talk about that yet)

- Your pet peeves (39% prefer keeping it to themselves)

- Your favourite Netflix show (28% said yes but 34% said no)
Imagine a 100% mask-off situation soon, what will you expect from your partners when it comes to oral hygiene?
#1 Brush twice daily (80% voted)

#2 Avoid smoking (78% voted)

#3 Brush for 2 minutes and floss daily (52% voted)

#4 Visit the dentist yearly (38% voted)

One piece of advice to singles looking for a long-term partner in Hong Kong.
Top Keywords
#1 Honest

#2 Punctual

#3 Confident

#4 Be who you are

#5 Smile
- Be honest and humble.

- Smile more on your first date.

- Enjoy dating first, no need to think too far into the future!

- Show your respect, listen and care more about your partner.

- Say thank you after the date, especially when people paid for you.
- Don't bluff. Be who you are.

- Don't be overly aggressive.

- Don't just talk all about yourself. Communication is a two-way street.

- Don't text for more than 2 weeks. It's better to meet up!

- Avoid asking boring questions like how are you, have you eaten yet.
Other interesting advice
- Eat local food.

- Be down to earth, state political stance and dating expectations.

- Hong Kong is better than you realise. And this is coming from an expat that's lived in several countries.

- Relationships aren't fast food. Do read profiles instead of always start with a boring "How are you?" or "Nice to meet you!". Ask about their daily routine, work or relationship expectations.

Hashtag: #Zenyum

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

About Coffee Meets Bagel

Coffee Meets Bagel is for the dater who's ready for something serious – and tired of wasting time on the people who aren't. With over 91% of the CMB Community looking for a committed relationship, our daters won't be stuck wading through singles who aren't on the same page. We've been named one of the best dating apps for relationships, and have made over 150 million matches and counting. CMB is free to download for and .

About Zenyum

is the newest innovation in Smile Cosmetics - transforming dental routines from boring chores to exciting rituals.

Founded in 2018, Zenyum is a Singapore-based startup that began by matching professional dentists with cutting-edge technology to provide 3D-printed invisible braces of the highest quality. With an ever-growing range of products across nine markets in Asia, the company holds true to its mission: to create products and experiences that make Asia Smile More. Zenyum employs roughly 300 staff members and has received close to $60M USD in funding from funds like Sequoia Capital and L Catterton.