Best time of the day: things your dog likes to do on their walk
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Dogs love a good walk. They love a walk so much that they even learn the word “walk” and get super pumped every time it is uttered! The moment that word leaves your mouth your doggo goes straight for their lead, waiting in anticipation as you chuck on your shoes and grab their doggy doo bag.
Not only do dogs love their walks, but they are also incredibly important to their health, alongside feeding them properly, playing with them and taking the time to compare pet insurance quotes so that you get the right one for their needs.
There are also lots of things they love about their walks, and let’s take a look at them below:
They love meeting other dogs
Whether they have already met the dog or not there is one thing for sure: dogs, mostly, love meeting other dogs. This is simply obvious from the way they perk up as soon as they see a dog coming from down the street.
It doesn’t matter if the dog is a couple of metres away or 200 metres away - they get absolutely stoked at the idea of meeting a new potential friend or, if things don’t go too well, having a little disagreement before being walked along by their apologetic owners.
Stopping at another dog’s home
It’s so adorable to think that dogs treat neighbourly dogs like friendly human neighbours. They love to stop at neighbourhood dogs’ fences to take part in what we assume is the doggo equivalent of a cordial neighbourly chat, sniffing excitedly at each other’s faces and getting a gauge on the situation before once again being moved along by their owner…
Going to the park
What dog doesn’t love going to the park? It doesn’t even seem to matter if it is a dog-populated park or an empty one - doggos just love sprinting around a nice, open green!
There are so many great activities you can partake in with your dog at the park: fetch, run around, socialising them with other dogs - this is one of your dog’s favourite places in the world and that can’t be a bad thing for them, it is dogs lifestyle.
Going through the shops
For some strange reason dogs simply love being walked through the shops. Maybe it’s because of the buzz and excitement that people create, or maybe they think that because there are more people around they will be more likely to meet other dogs, but they really perk up when they are being taken through the local strip.
Dogs are outrageously inquisitive little creatures and one of their favourite things to do when they get outside is investigate new areas. They love sniffing around new bushes, grass patches and trees, taking in the (apparently) important scents that inhabit that spot.
Dogs have an incredibly strong sense of smell, and they can use this sense like a compass, and this often leads them to attempting to drag their owners around the neighbourhood as they follow particular scents!
Mark their territory
Dogs are very territorial beings and they love to mark their spot in case a new neighbourhood arrival wants to come in and run the show. It also tells other dogs of their status rank, which is hilarious considering how cute dogs are, but hey, they love to mark their spot and they love to mark a lot of them!